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Selectmen Minutes 03062018
      Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
 Tuesday March 6, 2018

Members Present: Jeff Jordan Tom Jameson, Ed Millette, Jodi Pinard Town Administrator and Kristy Barnouski Administrative Assistant
Attendees: Chief Quimby, Matt Cole, Kris Cole, Donna Chagnon, Jim Eggers, Doug Hall, and other members of the public.

Call to Order Mr. Jordan called the meeting to order at 6:30

Department Heads

Mr. Plunkett stated that Merrimack County did reach the threshold for receiving FEMA reimbursement from the storm in October of 2017 as it had previously been denied.  

Mr. Plunkett stated that the new plow truck is on the road and the department is preparing for the incoming storm.

Emergency Management-
Mr. Martell briefly went over Mr. Plunkett stated regarding the FEMA reimbursement and stated the damages would be submitted from Chichester.  Mr. Martell will also be reaching out to the school to assist with applying for a generator grant.

Fire Department-
Chief Quimby stated that they had been very busy preparing for Town Meeting. They were also called to, two fires in the past week.  One on Lane Road and one for mutual aid in Canterbury.  

Building Inspector-
Mr. Cole stated that he recommends a zoning official be appointed due to the numerous zoning violations that are occurring in Town. There is also a lot of issues with non-permitted or illegal work.  

The Board will be take Mr. Cole’s request under advisement.   

Doug Hall-
Mr. Hall came to the Board to request the Board’s support in restoring the original request of $163,500 for the Capital Improvement Program at Town Meeting on March 17, 2018.  

After some discussion the Board stated to Mr. Hall that Mr. Millette would be in support but Mr. Jordan and Mr. Jameson would not.  Mr. Jameson stated they had discussed this at length during budget meetings and with the budget already up he felt it was best to keep the numbers where they were.

Jim Eggers-
Mr. Eggers came before the Board to discuss BCEP no longer accepting brush/yard waste.  He stated his concern for residents having no place to bring their brush/yard waste and how dangerous it could be for everyone burning their own.  
Mr. Jordan who is a committee member of the BCEP stated that it is only temporary while they clean out the current brush station that had been contaminated with cat litter and bacteria.  As soon as the situation is resolved the brush station will reopen.

Map 3 Lot 39-Update
Mrs. Pinard reported to the Board that Mr. O’Donnell is down to 12 cars and was hopeful to have them all removed in the next couple weeks.  

Mr. Jordan made a motion and Mr. Millette seconded to abate $19.08 for William and Judi Gettings, Map 4 Lot 156 sub 081rv, located at 78 Dover Road.  Motion passes.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. Jameson to adjourn the meeting at 7:51pm. Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
                                                                        Not approved until signed
Kristy Barnouski, Administrative Assistant